I took this week off work to:
1 - test out what it would be like to work from home.
2 - to start up an Etsy store.
3 - to try and get my new flat more sorted.
4 - to sew my little heart out.
Of course, as I am off to Christchurch tomorrow for a 'mini-break' with my bf it has only really given me the last few days.
I have realised that:
1 - as I knew, I put a lot of pressure on myself as my own 'boss'.
2 - the internet is a complex world - I am more than a little computer illiterate but do get excited when I manage simple tasks. Though can someone please help me with adding images of my Etsy store to the side on my blog???
3 - the 'good' sewing days are always equated with the 'bad' sewing days.
4 - we have too much stuff!!! (Though the place is looking much cozier - I really do love it!).
5 - I could very much be a hermit. I like my own company. I like listening to old records and sewing and cooking and talking to no one. (To be fair, when my bf gets home I jump all over him and force him to engage in conversation).
One day this will be my life.
I would love to hear from all you lovely bloggers for whom working from home is a reality.