I really can't believe that it is Christmas this week. Along with the fact that four days after that it is my birthday. And then New Year's Eve. And then 2011! Where does the time go? And why does a year seem so much longer when you're say five? (My friend once told me that this is due to the fact that when you're five a year is one fifth of your entire life and therefore HUGE but when you're twenty five it's only a twenty fifth and so of course it seems shorter and so it continues as we get older and older as time seems to gain momentum and move at incredible speed). Ok, so I'm rambling.
I must say that 2010 has been a full on year for me. And I am feeling very much at a loose end right now. I finished up at my job last week. It's strange having my days free. Though they don't feel free. I feel busier than when I was working!
I did though have some down time last week watching the entire series of My So Called Life. I had never seen it. I knew it was something of a cult classic and that it had Claire Danes and Jared Leto in it. But I had no preconceived ideas. And I really loved it. It took me back to being 15 years old and being obsessed with this guy called James who had that dreamy flopsy 90s haircut, played the guitar and wooed girls with his intense serious blue eyes. He was my Jordan Catalano.
I got my hair colored today - not blonde blonde but lighter and my hairdresser curled it loosely for me. So when I got home I thought I would dance around a little in this 1930s dress I purchased from the lovely Francesca of
I think it is a dress for hair up but who am I to mess with my hairdresser's handiwork.
Anyway, I just wanted to pop in and say hello. Thank you for your comments and taking the time to visit me. It really does mean a lot to me.
1930s black vintage dress (etsy), Vintage Locket (the vamoose), Polka dot tights, Vintage T-Straps (etsy)